For the past couple of months, Class-2H has been immersed in our "Communities" unit in social studies. We have been discussing the three types of communities (rural, suburban, urban), comparing these communities, and evaluating the unique characteristics of each. As a culmination to our studies, our class worked with peers to further research each community type using our iPads with the end goal being to design our own Prezi presentations using this iPad app! Our diligent work led to impressive results. We couldn't wait to share our technologically-based presentations with you! Before clicking on the links below to view our presentations, please check out all of our hard work leading up to the final project.
Once we had participated in many discussions and lessons regarding community types, it was time to spread our wings and partake in our own research. We rotated through different stations in order to gather notes and make decisions regarding what to include in our Prezis.
At the Google Images station, we selected and saved the images of each community type that we chose to add to our presentations.
Next up was the You Tube station, where we viewed kid-friendly community videos and selected the clip that we felt best helped to teach our audience about the three community types.
Finally, we rotated to the BrainPop Jr. station where we watched a video and took copious notes about each community type. This would help us brainstorm text ideas for the final presentation.
Once we collected all of the information, videos, and images needed, it was time to learn how to navigate the Prezi app. The app is extremely user-friendly, so our second graders caught on quickly! We now know how to include videos, pictures, and text into our Prezi frames. We also learned how to change the background template, color motif, and layout of each individual frame. Watch us format our presentations to our precise specifications and taste!
So exciting watching technology come to life on the SmartBoard! |
Choosing our background templates! |
Skylar & Sofia opted for a rural photo as their background image. |
It's so important to include a title in our presentation! |
Adding a You Tube video to complement our presentation. |
Even though Hudson's partner was absent, he still worked hard to include an urban background! |
Sam is zooming in to edit an individual frame. |
Embedding a video into our presentation! |
Combining our knowledge and creativity to have fun in school! |
Don't be shy Hud! |
Daniella & Chloe are collaborating together so nicely! |
Matt & Hiroto hard at work selecting their favorite community images! |
Sam is so shy too ;) |
Aaron is editing the flow of his presentation! |
Each frame contained text and images! |
Prezi is awesome! |
Composing our "urban" text section. |
Using our research notes to help present our knowledge. |
Almost done creating the "urban" frame of the presentation. Good work Sophia! |
Liv showing off her keyboarding skills :) |
Teamwork! |
Hiroto...great concentration! |
Chloe is in the zone too! |
Now that our Prezis are finally finished, we needed to show them off to our classmates and families. Here we are presenting our Prezis to our friends using the SmartBoard!
I know our readers are disappointed that they couldn't be here to witness our presentations first-hand, but have no fear! Please cut and paste the web addresses below to view all of our AMAZING Prezis!!
(Please do not edit these slides. We must respect the work of all. Thanks!)
Congrats to Class-2H on a job well done!! Stay tuned for more technological feats from Room 27, as we are currently in the midst of publishing our animal research projects using the Keynote app!