Class 2-H is having an absolute BLAST with our new "How To" writing unit. So far, we've completed some pretty "sweet" activities that we wanted to share with our friends and families. Last week, we took a poll of our favorite ways to eat an Oreo cookie. After gathering the data, we then created two different bar graphs. One was completed by hand, as we learned that every bar graph must contain a title, as well as a labeled x- axis and a labeled y-axis. Next, we used Microsoft Excel during Computers to graph our data digitally. Finally, we completed our own cookie books on "How To Eat An Oreo." Check out our finished product on the Oreo poster that was sent home today. Now, we want to turn the question over to you- How do you like to eat your Oreos???
Today, we continued our "How To" unit during Writer's Workshop with winter-themed sweetness. In order to welcome in the cold, snowy season that is winter, the children were given materials and shown a model of a marshmallow snowman. Then, working collaboratively with their table, they planned, assembled, and recorded "How To" instructions for this kid-friendly craft. We all worked together as a team and turned out terrific first drafts. We've even begun to experiment with adding introductions and conclusions to our "How To" pieces! Check out these adorable, edible snowmen which were sent home today. You can even have your second grader show other children "how to" make this awesome seasonal craft over the Winter Break!
Our work during this unit has been nothing short of impressive! We can't wait until after the vacation so that we can start brainstorming our personal "How To" projects :)
Enjoy the photos below. Class 2-H wishes everyone a happy, healthy New Year!!! See you in 2014!!!
Brendan acting as "recorder" for the Goofy table, while Ava begins building! |
George adding sprinkles for the "charcoal" mouth... |
Jade- add a mouth so your snowman can smile and say cheese! |
Ben, are you trying to hide behind the snowman? Hope it doesn't melt on you! |
Phoebe is carefully adding arms...are they made of sticks or pretzels though?? |
The Woody table recording their "How To" steps. |
Levy, your snowman has a scarf...time to add a hat?? |
Buzz's finished products!!! |
Mickey Mouse's snowmen look good enough to eat!! |
The Goofy table has 4 happy kids and 4 sweet snowmen! |
The Woody table is ready for the winter!! |
WOW!!! Don't forget to eat your treats before they melt :)
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