Another month has "orbited" by here in Room 27!! Class-2H has been having an absolute blast during our Astronomy Unit. We've been learning all about our solar system, planets, the sun, the moon, and constellations. This week, we've been focusing on the moon. Not only have we been immersed in both fiction and non-fiction texts about the moon, we've been stretching our scientific thinking to learn specifically about the phases of the moon.
What shape does the moon take in the night sky? Full moon, half moon, crescent... different shapes you say? Well, all of these varying shapes are called phases of the moon. No, the moon doesn't actually change shape. It just reflects different amounts of sunlight based on the positions of the sun, the earth, and the moon.
And why is this important for us here on Earth? Well, us humans organize time based on the natural motions of the earth and the moon. It takes about a MOONth (month) for the moon to complete one, single revolution around Earth. During this monthly cycle, the moon goes through phases that repeat each month. Check out a wall calendar to see if it marks the phases of the moon to show the repeating monthly pattern!
In order to demonstrate this abstract concept of the moon's phases, Class-2H used Oreos to represent the cyclical pattern of the phases of the moon! What an awesome hands-on discovery activity, if you don't eat your moons!! Here we are, super engaged, as we sculpt our Oreos to create the phases of the moon! Room 27 is full of amazing astronomers :)
First, we had to prepare our phases on a plate. We used a plate to highlight the cyclical nature of the moon's phases and because the moon is round!! Be careful, don't let your hands get too close to the burning hot sun!!
Our astronomers have partially completely their Oreo moon phases at this point! Even though Houston had a few problems with scraping off the correct amounts of icing, we all landed safely back on Earth in the end! Can you find the full moon, new moon, and half moons on Sophia's model?? Is that also a crescent moon in her hand??!!
After completing our lunar mission, our excited astronauts showed off their hard work from space! We even learned all about the waxing and waning phases of the moon! I wonder if NASA has any job applications for Class-2H?! We are ready for lift-off!!!
Sweet models!!! They look good enough to eat ;) We can't wait to use our moon models tomorrow to continue to examine the moon's patterns and learn more about the phases of the moon. Astronomy rocks in Room 27! I love my "team" of astronauts so much that I'd go to the moon and back for them!!
Class-2H wishes you and your families a happy holiday and a healthy new year!!! See you back on our class blog in 2015!!
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