Monday, November 14, 2016

Democracy in Room 27

Forget Donald and Hillary!  The real race is for #class2h's O-FISH-AL class mascot...Dory vs. Nemo!!  Over the past few weeks, we've been immersed in our democracy unit.  Since this was a presidential election year, we timed our unit perfectly to mirror current events.  This allowed us to dive deeper in democracy discussions than ever before!!  Not only did we discuss the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, democracy, political parties, campaigning, debates, liberty, and justice, but our second grade smarties were really able to delve into our Electoral College procedures!  Amazing questions were generated as we honed our critical thinking skills.  Quality children's literature paired with engaging activities led to ownership of new ideas and understandings.

The first step of the unit was to discuss "what makes a leader," and the principles of democracy.  We then ventured into the realm of symbols of our country and made our own class flag using personally selected symbols to represent ourselves.  At the same time we discussed the meaning of our Pledge of Allegiance.  Next, we discussed the election process as well as candidates, campaigning, and points of view.  Finally, it was time to prepare for our class mascot election.

Our class flag

The best candidates were clearly the beloved Disney characters Nemo and Dory, since that is our theme!  Even though Miss Hofmann selected the candidates, some children argued that we should have held primaries so they had a voice in the candidates! Soon, the children were divided into two different Dory and team Nemo.  That's when the campaigning began!  Together with their team, the children prepared for a debate by highlighting persuasive arguments to support each respective candidate. Following the debate, the teams created persuasive posters in an attempt to convince classmates of the best candidate or see the issues from their points of view.

Finally, after registering to vote today, we cast our paper ballots in a private polling booth.The polls just closed at 3pm today, and the ballots are currently being tallied.  Hopefully, there will be no need for a recount!

Check us out on Twitter tomorrow for the most up-to-date news and live election results!!  Rock the vote!